BBM Nurse Shampa is checking the eye of a general eye patient during her visit to a village as a part of the blindness Prevention and awareness activities under the project.

BBM nurse, Resource Teacher and Field Worker are addressing the villagers in a gathering about how to protect the eyes from different eye diseases.

Bangladesh Blind Mission

About Us

Socio-economic development and empowerment of the landless, asset less, poor and destitute people of the intervention areas of BBM.

BBM is a Non-Profit, Non-government organization established in the year of 1993 by some local development workers for the socio-economic upliftment of the poor and land less people of the area. The organization since its inception has been working for institutions building of the poor with special emphasis on distressed women, girls and disadvantaged children. Main thrust of BBM’s program is to organize the rural poor men and women into groups in order to enable them to manage and control for themselves, identify their problems and also find out solutions as assertive population.


The socio-economic situation of BBM’s working area is very backward, Endless poverty, unemployment, malnutrition, illiteracy, absence of major population from social decision making process and resource constraints are some major problems in the area. There exist great inequalities in the land, income distribution, education and control over production resources among the poor and rich.


Women constitute half of the total population of poorer section are underprivileged, illiterate, ignorant much more than their male counterpart. Prejudices and lack of training, consciousness, income-earning opportunities have made them dependent on others. Women have a little scope of earning independently though they have potentialities to do income generation activities. With this socio-economic reality of the area BBM started functioning in the year 1992 with some committed social workers and development leaders to facilitate the target people towards sustainable development and social transformation.

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